I was very excited and surprised when I was offered to experience a technology that has been blowing up on national news and all over reality TV and the internet as of late: Emsculpt. As seen on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (the BEST Housewives franchise), Emsculpt is a tool, not a shortcut, to allow you to maximize the definition and fitness of targeted muscle groups. This idea isn’t necessarily a new idea, its how the idea is implemented and the amount of contractions your muscles receive in a short time period that makes all the difference.

As you’ll see in our first of two video diaries on Emsculpt, the process is pretty simple: lay on a table, and a technician attaches one or two magnetic paddles to the area you want to treat. Emsculpt can be used on your abs (my choice), your glutes, your arms and your calves. Once the paddles are attached, the Emsculpt delivered Electro Magnetic waves into your muscles, causing super contractions equivalent to 20,000 contractions in 30 minutes.

How does this feel? The video speaks for itself, but I will tell you I was uncomfortable for the first few minutes, and then it gets very intense. Never painful though, just intense. The system gets ramped up slowly based off what you can take, and has a really slick pulsing feature that blasts your lactic acid in between “sets,” so you don’t wake up the next day one painful, cramped mess. Normally, especially if your first time in the gym in awhile, you will be incredibly sore and tense for the first few days, day two is usually the worst, because of the lactic acid build up in your muscles. BTL’s brilliant Emsculpt avoids this, and I woke up the following day after each of my treatments definitely feeling tighter and pleased with the day before’s workout, but not in pain or cramped, nor even tremendously sore.

Our first video diary covers our treatment by Las Vegas’s very own aesthetic surgery genius, Dr. Edward Zimmerman, and his right hand man, Wesley Heck. Without Wesley being there to entertain and inform, this process might be a hair more rigorous. We had all four of our sessions at the Aesthetic Revolution Las Vegas center, and their team had a vast amount of knowledge that made the entire experience more pleasant.

Stay tuned next week for our second video diary, to be followed in sixty days for our follow up to see how the hypertrophy has taken affect and how ripped I have become (or not). It takes sixty days minimum to begin to see results from your four treatments, with the best results seen six months after your complete the four sessions.

By Josh Lehman

Technologist & Blogger - Proud Gun Owner - @Patriots Diehard - Creator of Awesome Stuff - Everything Disney - Super Dad

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